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GoFundMe Fundraiser

We can help our little one's remember that all their power is within, and when they listen to their all-knowing heart, they will always receive what is needed. As they tap into the wisdom of their unique inner voice, they have all they need to explore the polarities of life. As adults we can help to reinforce their capabilities, instead of letting our voice be their guide. Let's teach them to safely learn by doing. When they learn how to tune into the wisdom of their own inner voice, and carry that over into adulthood, they will thrive.


As a life coach I quickly became aware that too many adults have a lack of self worth and do not love themselves. I could deeply relate to them, as it took me nearly 6 decades to truly love myself. While on a quest of self discovery, I became passionate in understanding a few universal laws, and how all our power is within. My journey lead me from a victim mentality, which did not serve me at all - to having a life of mostly full of joy, which better serves me and those I interact with.


In wanting to help others rediscover their power within and create a positive impact in our beautiful world, I decided o start at the beginning…with our beautiful little ones.


For regardless of the culture or religious background we are born into, we are all born of a pure, divine, compassionate and loving intelligence, and the way we connect to that intelligence is through our heart space. In doing so, we are connecting to a higher intelligence which is always guiding us towards our wishes and desires, by the path of least resistance. In trusting this inner guidance, we have all we need to thrive in life.


I believe our children innately understand this connection, but become conditioned by well-meaning parents, caregivers, teachers, religious leaders and society at large, and they begin to forget about this connection, and that they are more than their physical bodies. In time, they replace this connection between them and their higher self, to connecting to others. They will be, do and act certain ways to have the approval and acceptance of others. In doing so, they loose a sense of self and their own unique inner guidance becomes less evident.


Under the pen name of Kay Swan, I created an empowering children’s picture book, called "You Are Love". This book is comprised of beautifully crafted rhymes and colorful illustrations which will open up conversations with our children, as we help them reinforce their belief in themselves. We all have the answers to everything in life within. Our emotions are our internal compass needle and our feelings will always let us know if we are moving in a positive direction or not. As they understand the importance of their heart based emotions and tap into their heart space on a more consistent basis, it will become the norm. Instead of adapting a negative default mode of thinking, they will develop a default system which will serve them as adults.


While I have made several donations of my book to local children’s hospitals and schools, I would love to create a bigger impact across our beautiful country. My goal in creating this GoFundMe is to be able to share my book far and wide.


I feel my book is so much bigger than me, and would so appreciate it if you would join me on this quest to spread the love, and get this empowering children’s picture book into more beautiful little hands. All monies collected will be used to purchase, package and deliver the books to as many children’s hospitals and schools as possible.


For those that would rather do something personally, please know that my book is available for purchase on Amazon. What a beautiful gift it would be if you would purchase a book or two (or more should you desire) and distribute them to your local children’s hospital or preschool.


And for those that want to donate to my GoFundMe campaign, where I do the work to spread the love, I thank you in advance for your generous and heartfelt gift. Blessings to you all and may you “Love yourself enough to care about how you feel in each and every moment of your day.” - Kay Swan XO

Social Media

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My desire is to reach out to anyone who wants to better understand and connect with the pure, positive, loving energy within them...which is the joy, the passion, and the love of life that they long to express.

I created my Beacon0fLight Facebook Page, during lockdown in the spring of 2020, to help others connect to their power within.  Having studied quantum physics, law of attraction and  epigenetics, I knew I could uplift others during this challenging time.  ​

To my surprise, I developed a small following, and it felt good to help others find the path towards their desires.  

I have many posts and tools to help you understand your power within and to guide you on your journey.



Soon after recognizing that my material resonated with many, I decided to create my YouTube Channel.  While it is still in the gestating period, there is some helpful advice for those that prefer videos.

Fundamental Concepts To Help You Find Your Joy

SELF LOVE IS VITAL...IF YOU WANT TO LEAD A JOYFUL LIFE, AND YOU CARE TO UPLIFT OTHERS! For when we fill our cup first, we then have an overflow of love to offer others. Some think it is selfish, but I beg to differ. How can one offer true love to another, when they are feeling a lack of? When you truly love yourself, you are connecting to the pure, loving, divine, life force energy, which connects us all; as it is who we all are, at our very core.


By the time we are 7 years of age, we all have a process of conditioned thoughts and beliefs…many of which do not serve us. But once we understand this, we can become more conscious of these negative behaviors, which quite often stem from doubt and worry. These negative habits of thought have different rates of momentum behind them, and can often escalate to a point of never ending misery, as we regurgitate the unpleasantries of our past. We can made a decision that we no longer want to run on this default mode, and make a change for the better.


Science can now measure our thoughts, the networks of neurological connections being created (as a result of a focused and consistent thought pattern), as well as the chemistry our bodies create (which is conducive to our thoughts). Science can also measure how our energy field expands when in higher feeling vibrations of appreciation and joy, and how our energy field contracts when in lower feeling vibrations of doubt, worry and fear. With that said, once you understand this conditioning and programming, and how it affects your mind and body, isn’t it an easy decision to want to focus upon what pleases you? Wouldn’t you prefer to plant seeds that nourish both your mind and body? If you do your best, to love yourself enough, and care about how you feel in each and every moment of your day, you will realize, this can be heaven on earth.


So when you are having a joyful moment, revel in it; as there is nothing better than wallowing in the good feeling sensation of bliss. As you do so, you allow the wellness to flow through every cell of your body, as your energy field expands, and you open up the door of your unlimited potential.


And any time you experience contrast in your life, remember that a desire has now been created within. Your only job then, is to focus upon this newfound desire, instead of the contrast that created it. This is not always easy to do, for we are often programmed and conditioned to think and behave in opposition to this, as we put more attention upon the doubt, the worry, and the problem at hand. As Abraham teaches us, "We get what we focus upon, whether we want it or not….and some will choose bondage.” The choice is ours. Do you choose harmony or disharmony?


So let the contrast of your past go, knowing its only purpose was to help you evolve in creating a powerful desire within. Moving forward, you can appreciate and learn from any contrast early on, before the momentum of negativity builds. As Napoleon Hill stated, “Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.” Once we understand that we need a problem to create a desire, we need to experience the absence of something or lack of, in order to appreciate the having of it, we will never look back with regret. We can learn to bless our past for it made us who we are today.


All your power is in your now moment, whether we focus upon our past, present or future. You have the power now, in this very moment, no matter where you stand, to to choose where you will place your attention, and thus your energy. Do you want to run on habits of thought, or do you want to be a conscious creator? Decide now, that you will put your attention upon what pleases you, and you will start to take your power back.


In addition, it is equally important, that you do not try and control any other. Give them the freedom to follow their own path of joy. We are all connected, yet individualized expressions of this oneness. Look for the beauty in the diversity and uniqueness of others. Once we can accept and allow each other to be who we truly are at heart, and focus mostly upon our own joyful path, we gain control of our happiness, no matter the situation. Then we can unconditionally unite with other like minded individuals, and joyfully co-create together.


Love yourself first and foremost, and have love and compassion for those around you. Look for the aspects of others that are loving, for in doing so, you will find more of them to love. This does mean you need you need to become a doormat for anyone. There may be times when another is not kind towards you. Know it’s also ok to walk away. You do not need to subject yourself and remain in the presence of another, when they are purposefully trying to make you feel unworthy. Over time, they may not push your buttons as much, as you will better understand, that they too may be running on default mode of thoughts and behavior. They are not aware of this, and they are doing the best they can for where they are in life. So as long as you hold strong to your worthiness and love for yourself, as well as love and compassion for them, your loving energy will dominate. In doing so, in time, you will either influence their energy field in a positive way, or they will dissipate out of your experience.


Blessings to all, and I’d love to hear if this resonates with you. Should you need more clarity, please leave me a comment, and I will reply. It brings me great joy to share what I have learned over the years, and uplift others. We are all on a path of better understanding of who you we are, and we are all constantly evolving. Know in any given moment you are doing one of two things…you are either allowing what you want to flow into your life, or you are clarifying what you want from the contrast. Go forth knowing your worthiness. Go forth know YOU ARE LOVE, others are love, and we are all connected. You have so much ahead of you to enjoy and experience, on your amazing journey of life. Go forth being the love you want to experience! XO

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